Three Sisters Brewery
Three Sisters Brewery is a husband-and-wife team (Joe and Sarah) who first started brewing boutique craft beer in their garage. After winning a Taranaki SOBA Homebrew Competition (Rain In The Face), they joined the big boys and girls, moving their operation into the beautiful, old "Taranaki Savings Bank" building on the main street of New Plymouth. Old TSB to the new TSB... very fitting indeed!
What sets us apart?
BGNZ's Champion Micro Brewery 2021, BGNZ's Champion Small Brewery 2022, AIBA's Champion International Small Brewery 2023 & AIBA's Champion International Small Brewery 2024: Medal and award hauls such as these speak to the quality of the beer and, combined with their unique ambiance, make visiting this gem of a brewery well worth a visit.
Most Famous Style?
Hazies & Sours